365 Days in Aspen

Act Locally


One thing that's nice – really nice – about living in a small town is the opportunity and accessibility to get involved locally. Unlike Atlanta, where just the logistics to get to a meeting are overwhelming, here I can walk a few blocks and make a few calls. 

As a self-acknowledged Hermit Archetype (among others, which I'll write more about), I balance my time between staying at home and working and writing and getting out to know my new "home town." The last several months I've been fast and furious to get my newest book out and on the market, so I haven't been out as much – except to ski. But the last couple of weeks I've ventured into all kinds of new activities. 

Some of these include getting involved in the Aspen Entrepreneurs group – a topic that's not only near and dear to my heart, it's also one I believe to be critical to the future of our country as well as our town. On Friday I helped facilitate a meeting with many of the local government officials, and I'll be leading an interactive discussion (using DrawSuccess) next month. 

I've also been enjoying our new Aspen Screenwriters and Playwrights group, which is fun and stimulating. And several other outings, including physics lectures, talks about the Environment and more. 

Welcome to Aspen!