365 Days in Aspen


serendipityserendipity3Serendipity. A happy accident. Good fortune. 

If you know me, you'll know that I like to take a much "higher" view of something others might take at face value. So my question is – what is the force behind Serendipity? 

I don't believe in randomness. I think saying something is random is just another way of saying you haven't figured out why something happened. 

Of course there's Littlewood's Law. Don't know that one? Littlewood's law states that a person can expect to experience an event with odds of one in a million (defined by the law as a "miracle") at the rate of about one per month. So to Littlewood, miracles are just a matter of statistics and timing. 

While I'm a big fan of Littlewood's Law in how it makes us aware of the miracles that are happening all the time, I don't exactly think it's just mathematics. 

So why am I writing about Synchronicity today?

When I first moved here – I mean within a few days – I entered a drawing to win tickets to the Aspen Film Festival. And I won! Winning anything is an exciting, serendipitous event, especially something of significant value. And even more something you'd have a difficult time justifying the financial expense but would die to attend. But for me – a writer and aspiring screenwriter – to win this particular prize is beyond wonderful. 

It means – to me – that I'm supposed to be there. For what reason, I don't know for sure. And I have to be really careful not to over-inflate my expectations. But I do know it's for a reason and that means there's a Divine influence at work. 

Let me use the following songs to express my gratitude: