365 Days in Aspen

Monthly Archives: October 2016

All Hallows Eve

halloween2According to Wikipedia, to hallow is "to make holy or sacred, to sanctify or consecrate, to venerate."  Halloween is supposed to be about remembering and honoring the people who have died, but somehow has evolved into dressing up in costumes and handing out candy. 

Okay, even though I don't see the connection, I can go along with that. Nothing wrong with having a day to celebrate trying on another persona. And unless you're a diabetic, nothing wrong with some sweetness in your life. 

But how did that turn into horror films? 

While I don't share the emotion, I understand some people like to be scared at the movies. (I'm not opposed to a psychological thriller, but the slasher films are frankly disturbing). What's ironic is that so many people are afraid of death. Like "deathly" afraid. (Forgive the pun but it was so obvious). 

I see nothing wrong with facing your fears. 

But I do think it's dangerous to perpetuate fear, especially the fear of death and dying. Experts estimate that as much as 75% of our medical expenses in the U.S. are spent extending terminal patients' lives an additional 14 days. Think about that. Think about how we could actually prevent so many deaths at younger ages if we didn't have such a fear of death. 

What if we used this day instead to honor those who have moved on to the next plane of existence? 

I know I'll never change this. But I did have to voice my thoughts. 

Meanwhile, Happy All Hollows Eve!



Predicting The Future

snow-1A lot of people, me included, want to know what's going to happen in the future. They (okay, I) might study Astrology or go to a psychic to get a peek into what's next. 

Being Halloween season, last night I almost went to an event where they had psychic readings for $20. I didn't end up going, but it does make you wonder what he/she might have said was "in the stars" for me. What my future will look like. 

And I live in an economy that's largely based on predicting the weather. The snow, to be more exact. In pretty much everywhere else, snow can negatively impact – even debilitate – an economy. But here people are getting anxious because we don't have enough snow.

In late October. 

I'm looking forward to the ski season. Even more now that my heart seems to be cooperating enough to allow me to hit the slopes as soon as they're open. I'm also looking forward to the beauty the snow brings. The light. The reflection. And the energy. 

There's no snow predicted in the upcoming week. But if there's anything I've learned from living here, the weather isn't predictable. 

In the meantime, I did look up the weather predictions for the season. Pretty much like life. Somewhere between 88 to 112 of "normal." 

Que sera sera.

You Wanna Get High? Part 3

milestones4If you've followed my tales of travails about trails (sorry, I couldn't resist. I'm a writer, after all), you know the distress I've felt by not being able to do real hiking. Instead of being able to climb and hike, I've been limited to flat terrain. 

It's fine. Like most disappointments in life, I've adjusted and found things to enjoy at ground level. Yet when I looked up (literally and metaphorically), I felt a yearning to rise. To go higher. 

On the one-month anniversary of my cardioversion "shock" treatment, I mustered up the courage to try to climb Smuggler's Mountain again. 

I hadn't done it since the day before I went to the emergency room with fluid in my lungs. Yes. It was this trail that "done me in" as they say. 

So to set this goal was a bit scary. Like any good goal should. 

Yet I did it. 

And for good measure, I did it again the next day. 


I Live in a Small Town

small-towntalent-showsmall-town-2Last night I did something I would have never considered doing when I was in Atlanta. Not because this kind of event didn't happen. But more because here it was THE happening. 

I went to the school talent show. There were kids from third grade to 12th grade performing. Some were fun-loving acts to make people laugh and others were talents that had been well cultivated over years of practice. And some were natural, instinctive talents. There were singers, musicians, comedians and dancers, and it was loads of fun. 

Not having been a parent, going to the show was a novelty for me. And not knowing any of the kids or families I could be objective. Good or bad, it was loads of fun! 


Wake Up, Maggie

magpie-2When I first moved here, I kept noticing these birds I'd never seen before. At first, they look like a crow. But when they take flight, you see the magnificence in their design. 

According to some sources, the Magpie is one of the most intelligent birds in the world. (See video below).

As a huge devotee of Darwin, it could be argued that this magnificence could be a result of "natural selection." But somehow I think it's something (or someone) else. 

So let's talk about "intelligent design." When I discussed wildflowers, I suggested, "someone is having fun upstairs." I feel the same about the magpie – or Maggie, as I call them. This bird is a spectacular example of "intelligent design." There was thought put into this use of color and geometry. 

So today I challenge you. Go out into nature and look for something suggesting Intelligent Design. And report back to me here or on my Facebook page: 


Go Take a Hike!

hiking-heartbeatThe expression, "Go Take A Hike" has multiple interpretations, the most common of which relates to "get lost" or "leave me alone." 

Yet maybe it is (or should) mean something else. Like advice. 

This article (below) explains the benefits in hiking. From increased creativity to helping to manage ADHD. No wonder people are so much more balanced here in Colorado. 

So maybe the next time you want to tell someone to "go take a hike" what you're really suggesting is that they experience these benefits before they come back to you. 

Is it ironic that the increase in elevation will actually make you more grounded? Hmmm…

Doctors Explain How Hiking Actually Changes Our Brains

Gray Skies

happiness-grayIt's interesting when the weather fits your mood. When the heaviness of the clouds mimick the heaviness in your heart and the skies seem to be weeping for you. 

Living in paradise makes you less equipped to handle the dark days. But they come anyway. And they're (usually) necessary. Important, even. 

One of the biggest challenges I have in my life is handling disappointment. I get excited about a project, about it's potential (usually it's ability to really make a difference in people's lives) and then poof! it's gone. Over. Finito. 

Back to the drawing board. Pick up your bootstraps. Gray skies are gonna clear up. All that crap. 

My mother's mantra was "Don't get your hopes up." Hidden within that message was an expectation of failure. Of lowering expectations to a manageable level, perhaps. Or probably more like a not-so-subtle message not to try at all.  

It's safer not to try. Not to take a risk. So go the easy route. 

On this gray, rainy day, I'll have to ponder that message. As I say in my Reasons Why book: "Face it, Feel it, Free it."  


Drive to Survive (sort of)

courage-goetheuniversegoethquoteFirst I was afraid, I was petrified. 

Okay, not really. But it is a good song lyric. You can't help but finish the phrase and sing along. 

The theme of this blog is 365 Days in Aspen. There's an implication in the title suggesting that I'm here for a limited time. The truth is, I don't know what's going to happen. I just knew I could only afford to stay for a year without worrying about survival. It was my gift to myself. 

But that's the thing about falling in love. You don't want to be parted from your beloved. You'll do anything to work it out; to create forever. 

A lot of the people who live here have the same passion. They'll do anything to stay. They're thrilled with a job that might depress them in another location. They'll minimize their space and purchases, paying more for location with proximity or a view that reminds them of why they're here. 

So here I am – 121 days – one third of my adventure and starting to feel the pressure to pick up the pace so I can survive. So I can stay here indefinitely. It's a curious combination of pressure and ease. The perfect space for creative motivation. Enough of a challenge to take some risks and push myself, but not enough to feel desperation. It's like I see the tides rising but I'm not standing on top of my roof screaming for rescue. 

Do I believe as Emerson suggests – that the universe will conspire to help make it happen? If I'm destined to be here, absolutely. If I'm meant to move on, then, well, that's the path I'll end up taking. 

Stay tuned.

It Doesn’t Much Matter…

12cThis is an excerpt from my children's book, "Sometimes I Wonder," from my Wonderactive Books series, and it's probably my favorite verse in all the books. 

The previous verse, "So we set up our challenges like mountains so high, to test our endurance and reach for the sky," suggests society's obsession with setting and achieving goals. Yet, like my attempt to re-climb Smuggler's mountain the other day was an achievement in and of itself. It didn't matter if I got to the top. It mattered much more, in this case, that I didn't push myself too hard. That I listened to my body. 

And that I was exhilarated as I descended, proud of the accomplishment I did make. 

staircase-illusionThe image on this page of my book also indicates our disillusionment with what is "high" and what is "low." Like Esher's famous staircase artwork, it can get confusing. 

Why are we so obsessed with achievement? I don't know. And I don't condemn it. It keeps us motivated. It opens us up to change and evolution and growth. 

We just need to remember: It doesn't much matter if we get to the top. What matters much more is what we do when we stop..




If you want to hear me reciting the book at an event called Failure Lab in Atlanta, click below…

Dissing Dissatisfaction

satisfaction-2In this "attitude of gratitude" society, there's so much pressure to look on the bright side, find things to be happy about, to celebrate even the smallest success. 

These same "philosophers" also proclaim that unhappiness is "all in your head" and that you need to find your joy. Basically, they're "dissing" dissatisfaction.

So here I go with a controversial statement. One I suspect these people will be "dissatisfied" with. 

Dissatisfaction is under-rated. 

Complacency is the enemy. 

As a true logophile (lover of words), I discovered something interesting when I compared the synonyms of the word "Satisfaction" with the antonyms of "Dissatisfaction." (See below). You'd think they would be the same list of words, wouldn't you? 

But they're not. And hence, as Shakespeare would say, lies the rub. 

Let's look at the first synonym to Satisfaction: Achievement. Huh? How can achievement be the same as satisfaction? Isn't one the result of the other? Achievement is a result of a drive, of effort, of stetting a goal and having the determination to complete it. 

Of dis-satisfaction. After all, if you were 100% at ease, in repletion, contentment and serene you wouldn't have the motivation to achieve. 















True innovation requires a certain level of dissatisfaction with how things are. That's what motivates us to try new things, to explore options. 

And for me to "tackle the monster" yesterday. The mountain I had climbed the day before I went to the hospital. The one that put too much pressure on my heart to continue. The one that I've been prohibited from attempting in all these weeks since. I didn't push myself too hard, and I didn't go all the way to the top. 

But ahhh… the Satisfaction!