In like a lamb, out like a…
Welcome to Aspen in the Spring.
For several weeks it's been warm enough for shorts and t-shirts, if not tank tops. It was nice – but sad, because it was too soon to have such warm weather while it was supposed to be ski season.
Then we have the last day of ski season and BOOM! Snowy days.
I'm not complaining. Okay, I am, but not for the reason you may suspect. Yes, I would have loved to have had another month to ski. No question about that. But I did get a fair amount of skiing in this year and I also enjoyed the warmer weather for hiking, so I went along with it.
And I'm not complaining about having a few snowy days. I'd rather hike in the snow than the rain for sure. And it's been quite interesting to see snow on a sunny day. If I were in Atlanta today I'd be "enjoying" 77 degrees – and oppressive allergies that force you to stay inside. Instead, I get to still cuddle up in a warm bed and sleep like a log.
Besides, it'll be warm soon enough, for long enough.
So, no. It's none of these things to complain about. It's the implications for this planet are worrisome. And the fears of their getting worse due to the massive corporate and poliitcal corruption rampant in today's society.