365 Days in Aspen

I Saw The Light

2016-07-19 20.14.27Light.  
Symbolic, isn't it?
Magical and mystical.
Shadows and Brightness.  
Dark and Light.
Looking Inside vs. Seeking Outside.
Even a bit of "Hope vs. Faith" perhaps.

This picture (another from my balcony) was right after a thunderstorm. Also symbolic. Hope after a cleansing, perhaps. 

We all need to do some cleansing from time to time. Out with the old and in with the new. We also need to understand and even appreciate both the light and dark in ourselves – and others. 





Here are some good "light vs. dark" quotes.  Which speaks to you the most?







So now for some music. The original by Hank Williams, Jr. 

And while we're on a theme… I like Jars of Clay's cover of "I'll Fly Away" the best…