Yesterday I was busy. Busy-busy. Like "hardly got off the chair or away from the computer" busy all day. I didn't take a break to exercise or watch TV or anything recreational.
This quote is, of course, important. But so is the opposite, at least with me. I have been spending so much time "making a life" that I haven't been doing much to "make a living."
Beyond writing and hiking I need to make some kind of progress. A contribution. A difference.
Yes, I enjoy writing this blog. (Some days more than others, but that's true of anything). And I enjoy managing my
Yes, Happiness is being busy doing the things you love. And I love writing, creating, inventing. But sometimes we need to get out of our comfort/happiness zone just a bit, don't we?
Rhetorical question. A conflict all authors know. You can't just sit at home and write and not reach out to the world with your "message." It's like a single female who sits at home every night hoping for "Mr. Right" to show up at her doorstep. Not gonna happen unless she orders a lot of stuff online and has the hots for the UPS driver!
So you have to get out there. Find your tribe. I got this image from a website (click it to follow the link). I love it.
I have a couple of treasured online "tribes." Groups that fit this description and more. Like unity, sharing, support.
One is a group I've been running for about a year and a half. It's a "fan" group for a book series, and is a very special group of beautiful souls. You know who you are – love you ALL!
This group not only helps me by supporting my own novels, they also provide a lot of love and reinforcement and support. And purpose.
I started another new Facebook group yesterday for a very different reason. It's a sub-group to a Masterclass for screenwriting taught by Aaron Sorkin. The group is called "Scripts with Purpose and Meaning" and is already turning out to be quite a special group.
These groups are great. An opportunity to meet people from all over the globe. Yet we all need real, human contact as well, especially when you're new to town, so I'm also reaching out to find and/or put together groups here in Aspen.
So far – it's fabulous. So many like-minds that also help my mind expand.