In addition to looking for a grocery store and hiking trails, one of the first things I scout is a place to reflect and meditate.
Yes, there's a lot of opportunity for meditative thought while hiking, but there's nothing like finding a special place to go "deep." To reflect on life, to ask questions for your higher self or Higher Power to answer, or just to remove the thoughts from your head.
I think I found such a place – and believe it or not it was at a park on the end of my very same street. How fortuitous can that be? Peaceful with waterfalls – both manmade and natural – whispering aspens, a nice breeze and large boulders to sit against. Ahhh!
So many people talk about prayer or meditation as being similar, but to me they are as I say in this quote. Prayer is talking to God. Meditation is listening.
I wrote an entire chapter on Prayer in my book Five Reasons Why Bad Things Happen. It's a complicated matter.
Why? Because we so often pray for things that might not be what's best for us. Or we fail to realize that sometimes we pray for something that affects other people in a way that's not best for them.
When someone online asks for prayers I send this message: It's not a prayer exactly. Instead, it allows the recipient to accept the loving, healing energy. What's interesting is that I've had so many people tell me they can "feel" it. I love that.
I have asked for many things in my life. Set out countless goals. Made plan after plan. This year (after another in a long series of failures), I my mantra became "I desire not to desire." Saying those words out loud had a visceral, profound effect.
Here's Garth Brooks' classic song about "Unanswered Prayers."
And, well, for a number of reasons I want to post this song. It's a cover of a Garth Brooks cover of a Bob Dylan song – and symbolizes a dream coming true for an unassuming and very talented singer.
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