American Tune
There's a peak I pass frequently, atop of which is an American flag. It's difficult to see in the photo to the left, so I zoomed in to show the flag (see right). I love seeing the flag wave in the wind. A jolt of patriotism. A reminder of what a beautiful country this can be. Instills pride and hope. Gives you something to believe in and to fight for (at least figuratively. I'm not much on fighting literally.)
This country is going through a crisis. I've never seen it so divided, and I've never been so afraid of the possible outcome.
If you follow my social media posts, you know that I post this quote quite often. This is the kind of fighting I believe in.
And as long as I have a voice, I will use it. Not just for me. For everyone.
The two songs below are favorites of mine. Enjoy.
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