Whatcha Doin’ There, Brownell?
I've had a lot of people asking me what I'm doing here. I want to reply, "Why I'm here on the planet? Or why I'm here in Aspen?" Or do they want a more specific answer, like, "What do I do every day? What do I do for work?"
I'm not sure if this post wil answer – or prompt – more questions, but here's an attempt.
First, I was able to move here because I inherited a little bit of money and wanted to use it to enjoy life, even if it only lasts a year. As I told my financial advisor, "I'd rather live 5 years living a life I love than 25 years in mediocrity." Does that sound irresponsible? Or enlightened? I don't know. And I don't really care what anyone thinks. It's my life to live. As I explained in a previous post, I started this year thinking I wouldn't live through the rest of the year. If that's not an incentive to go out and "live life" I don't know what is.
So I'm "giving up" the attachment to earning income. I've struggled financially for so many years, so now that I can breathe, at least a little, I will. Besides, my definition of "giving up" isn't how most people define it. To me, it's "releasing to a Higher Power."
That doesn't mean I'm not also doing my part in co-creating my reality. I'm just not worrying about the outcome. As one of my favorite philosophers/teacher Anthony de Mello would advise, I'm releasing the attachment. And I agree with him that attachments are the source of unhappiness. So, now I'm "working," which means that I'm still doing what I do – writing, inventing, creating, helping. I'm just not going to freak out if what I'm doing doesn't produce an income.
Paradoxically, it could just end up being that by releasing this attachment/fear, I might actually open more doors to success. Who knows? And though it would be nice, I also say, "Who cares?"
For a more specific answer to the question in this post, other than working on this blog, I'm working on the script for a movie screenplay. It's VERY exciting! And, like just about everything else I do, it has the potential to change the world.
So, on days like today (this picture was taken this morning, even though I could still be outside enjoying the day (and I will, later), I can enjoy life through writing.
Sending much love,
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