365 Days in Aspen

Monthly Archives: January 2017

Living in a Cave

2017-01-12 04.40.55I've been bragging all over the place that I can just open my eyes and see Ajax (Aspen mountain).  

And while I still can, a most intriguing obstacle has developed. 

My building has a top roof and then a second overhanging roof.  In between are the windows from the loft where my bedroom lies.  With so much snow happening lately, there are huge drifts on the top roof that overhang and mounds of snow developing on the lower roof. The effect is in this picture – a feeling of being enveloped in an ice cave. 

It's kind of cool.  (Pun partially intended). Actually, it has no effect on my warmth or comfort, but it does produce an oddly mysterious effect. 

To The Dump-da-dump

2017-01-12 04.39.15I was awakened at 3 a.m. to the sound of heavy equipment outside my door. I'd become accustomed to the snow plows clearing the roads, and even if they disturbed my sleep I appreciated their existence. After all, I live in Aspen now and snow comes with the territory. And this week has gotten so much snow that there are avalance warnings and even some ski slopes closed. 

I hadn't remarked on this before, but I did find it amusing to see the 10-15 foot high mounds of snow that grew and grew from the plowing.  After all, it had to go somewhere, right? Well last night the dump trucks came to take it away.  

Gotta love it. 


formationWhen I was in college, we had to choose a science to take to fulfill our requirements.  The ones I remember are botany, biology and geology.  I chose the latter.  I’m not sure exactly why I picked “rocks for jocks” but I’m glad I did. 

First, I confess, it’s because I met a very very cute guy that I dated for a while.  But it’s also because I do find rocks and rock formations fascinating.  (With the added bonus of not having to dissect any frogs or pig brains!)

I remember learning about different kinds of rocks and their history.  Also about things like “scree” an “alluvial fans” that help when you do a lot of hiking.  (Okay, maybe not so important to know how they got there, but it is a moment of pride when you know the proper name for them). 

It also helps magnify curiosity when you go to places like the Great Sand Dunes park (see that blog) or cross the Continental Divide. 

I stumbled on this video today and thought it was interesting that there’s still so much we don’t know about the formation of the world we live in.  And being a new resident to the Rocky Mountains, it helps me appreciate the mystery of this place that much more.

Check it out: http://www.msn.com/en-us/video/wonder/the-formation-of-the-rocky-mountains-baffles-geologists/vi-BBxUuw0




do-not-spoilAs I write in a new book about "wants," I reflect on the benefits and detriments of "wanting." And the "whys of the wants." 

Is "wanting" a bad thing? Does it take you out of the moment, preventing you from appreciating what you have? Some "experts" say you can't get "more" unless you appreciate what you have, but if you already appreciate what you have, why would you want to have more? 

If I was standing before you, looking as put-together as I can, but there's a small spot on my blouse, what would you notice? If I have a big smile, but also a blemish, what do you see? If you live in a beautiful place, but complain about a day or two with bad weather, does it mean you're too spoiled? Does not being happy keep you from ever being happy? 

Or are they all signs that you need to change in some way. Change your location, change your friends, change your lifestyle, change your habits, change your job? 

These questions can only be answered by the individual. (I'm addressing my own perspective in this new book I'm writing).  I will say that if everything always stayed the same, if we had no "downs," how could we appreciate the "ups?" 

One of my favorite teachers/philosophers, Anthony de Mello, talks about the fleeting the joy of possessions. You want a new car, thinking you'll be so happy when you get it. And you are, but after a short period of time, the joy diminishes. Like with people, you take it for granted. Or, perhaps you start noticing its flaws. The spot on the blouse. The scratch on the car. The "bad weather days" in paradise. 



Today is a dreary day in Aspen.  Rain mixed with wet snow; slush, clouds. 

Yet it's still beautiful. 

Yesterday I went for a late afternoon walk. In the snow. And enjoyed every minute of it. Today? Not so inclined to go out. And that's okay. I can stay in, be warm and productive. Getting some writing done. 

I'm currently juggling multiple projects. Two nonfiction books, one screenplay that I'm also turning into a novel and a follow-up television series that would be the second book. Plus this blog. So a rainy, dreary day is perfect. The only downside is that my options for exercise are severely limited. But that's also about balance. Some days I do intense exercise like skiing or hiking up mountains. Others I take off. 

In the meantime, enjoy the pictures  I took on yesterday's walk. They almost look like I took them in black and white…

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Shadow Self

shadow-selfI'm not a big fan of selfies – of myself especially.  So this might be the only one you'll get. 

Interestingly, it symbolizes what Jung called the "Shadow Self." Stolen from Wikipedia, here's a definition/description: In Jungian psychology"shadow" or "shadow aspect" may refer to (1) an unconscious aspect of the personality which the conscious ego does not identify in itself. Because one tends to reject or remain ignorant of the least desirable aspects of one's personality, the shadow is largely negative, or (2) the entirety of the unconscious, i.e., everything of which a person is not fully conscious. There are, however, positive aspects which may also remain hidden in one's shadow (especially in people with low self-esteem). Contrary to a Freudian definition of shadow, therefore, the Jungian shadow can include everything outside the light of consciousness, and may be positive or negative. "Everyone carries a shadow," Jung wrote, "and the less it is embodied in the individual's conscious life, the blacker and denser it is."[2] It may be (in part) one's link to more primitive animal instincts,[3] which are superseded during early childhood by the conscious mind.

jung-quotes-dark shadow-work-jung shadow-darknessAccording to Jung, we all have a shadow self. The key is to know that and address it. The quotes here offer some guidance. 

For me, yesterday was a day of shadows and clouds. Skiing is a good metaphor. When the sun is shining, the shadows are more defined and it helps you recognize the ups and downs, the "gooves" in the snow. But when it's cloudy it's monochromatic, which is a lot more difficult (not to mention boring) to maneuver. 

It's like living a life of mediocrity instead of one where you challenge yourself. Change and conflict help you see the light.

And the dark. 

Need a Lift

sun-on-slopeI confess: I've been cautious to take photos from the chair lift; afraid I'd drop the phone into the snow below. Even though it's on a cord around my neck. I've also demonstrated my paranoia (or is it just cautious prevention?) by attaching my gloves to my jacket and having a retainer for my sunglasses. (To be fair, I've already lost two pairs of sunglasses in the last two months, so…)

You can laugh. I'm laughing at myself. 

As I rode the lift up, I chatted with a fellow skier, a man visiting from Texas, who asked me about the lack of people on the slopes yesterday. This was on Friday, January 6. 

My response? A few reasons. First, I explained, it was a lot busier the week before (the week between Christmas and New Year's). The lift lines were a lot longer. Oh, horrors! We had to wait as long as ten minutes – 10 minutes! – to get on the lift. (That was sarcasm, if you didn't guess). And even at the busiest time of the year, with the exception of quite a few more group ski classes than usual, the slopes still weren't that crowded.

Why? Part of it could have to do with the fact that I was skiing Buttermilk, the easiest of the four mountains. But I think (and from what I've heard) the biggest reason is the impact in the improvement in technology. The lifts are apparently significantly faster than they used to be. So, not only does it reduce the time waiting in lift lines (which used to be as much as 30-45 minutes in peak season) to less than 10 minutes, it also (obviously) moves you up the mountain more quickly, which translates to the opportunity to get in a lot more runs in a lot shorter time period. Great! And what does that lead to? For most people, it means that you can get a whole day's skiing completed in a fraction of the time. As a friend said, in two hours, you can get as much skiing in as you used to get in a whole day.

No wonder I've had some days of exhaustion after only 2 hours of skiing! (Makes me feel better). It also means I can be more productive and get a full days' writing or work done and still go skiing, even when I take into account the time it takes to get my ski garb on and walk to the bus and get to the slopes. (Of course, if I skied Ajax, I wouldn't need the bus time back and forth).  

I love it. Yet there is a downside that I wonder if they'd considered when they sped up the lifts. Apres ski isn't the same. It used to be that pretty much everyone would ski all day and then relax and have fun at the end of the ski day. Now, people can ski for a couple of hours anytime throughout the day, which means they could ski in the morning, in the mid-day, or at the end of the day, and still do a lot more the rest of the day.

Interesting, isn't it, how the repercussions to a single decision – a single improvement in technology – can have such a ripple effect? 


breakWhile I'm not a big fan of McDonalds, this campaign slogan is a good one. (Which I guess means I'm more of a fan of their advertising agency, and that makes me feel better).  wink 

I haven't skied in a week – last Friday – which was December 30.  I took off Saturday (New Year's Eve) for a few reasons. First, I'd skied or hiked every day for a week and needed a break. Second, we hadn't had any new snow for a while and the conditions were icy. And third, it was getting crowded. That's the least important (and most whiny) reason, since even though the lift lines were long, I still didn't have to wait more than 10 minutes and that's ridiculous to complain about. Still, it added to the reasons.  Instead of skiing, I walked around town and did some errands, and then enjoyed the apres ski festivities. 

I also took off on Sunday, January 1, and I hiked up Smuggler's mountain instead. Monday I walked to the hospital and back, which took almost two hours.  Tuesday I had a "stay at home" day and just worked and wrote. The next day was another hike up Smuggler's Mountain, and then I did something rare for me. I had another stay-at-home day on Thursday; the only activity being a walk to the library for a meeting. 

So why belabor my daily activities? To demonstrate the importance of taking a break.  Today the weather is perfect (as long as you can handle a high of 17 degrees); there are several inches of new snow, and I'm raring to go!  I'll appreciate it infinitely more after the break.  

mcdonalds2And this, dear friends, is why I love living in Aspen. I don't have to go skiing every day to fully appreciate it – because I can go the next day or the next. So – to steal from McD's agency again… "I'm Lovin' It!"  



accumulationThe word "accumulation" has a dual – and paradoxical – meaning in Aspen. 

dumpsterWhen it comes to the snow, accumulation is the way to measure the impact of the precipitation. I can look at the weather channel online or just look out the window at the trash hut to see how much snow we've gotten. 

(To check how much it's snowing now, I look up at the mountain and whether I can see it or not. Today? Not.)

When talking about snow, accumulation is a good thing. In moderation, that is. Six to ten inches is perfect for an average snowfall. Less and it barely feels like anything has happened. More and it can get heavy to ski through (especially the next day).  

2017-01-05-08-57-53Another interpretation of "accumulation" is related to possessions. Ironically, living in the town of prosperity, the lifestyle here isn't so interested in this form of accumulation. Yes, I had to buy skis and the related paraphernalia in order to enjoy the outdoor activities, but beyond that, less is more. There is neither pressure nor need to have more than one functional ski jacket, for example. In fact, wearing the same one is preferable so your friends will have an easier time recognizing you. The space in my place is limited, yet feels airy and open because it's (relatively) decluttered. Other than a couple of things here and there, there's nothing to add, and nowhere to add it. 

The same is true with wardrobe. No one seems to notice what you're wearing if you're a local. Yes, the tourists stand out with their unblemished matching ski outfits, but the rest of us couldn't care less. 

Just like with the accumulation of snow, it's soft flakes blanketing the ground softly, there's a certain peace in the absense of any drive for accumulation of material objects. I have what I need, and life is good. 


snowflakesAs I was skiing the other day, I was talking with a friend about snowflakes and how they're supposed to all be unique. It boggles the mind that there are so many possibilities, so many combinations to be able to make that prediction.  

uniqueThen I saw these images. As I said in a post a few months ago, this is another example of "somebody having fun upstairs." Some kind of Divine force or energy or "personality" is "upstairs" creating each of these beauties of creation. 

Just like each human being on Earth. 

What would the world be like if we were all the same? How boring would that be? 

What makes you unique? 

One of my answers to that question lies in this blog. How many people just take up and leave someplace they've lived for decades and moves somewhere they don't know a soul? I'm certainly not the only person to have done this, and it's not even the first time I've gone someplace new myself. But it is the first time I've done it at this age, to someplace this far away, without a job or connection of any kind. 

So, today, ponder and celebrate your uniqueness as you appreciate the beauty in the sacred geometry.unique-quotes-2
