365 Days in Aspen

Off to Join the Circus (Fair)

Mountain Fair

Sunday I went to the Colorado Mountain Fair in Carbondale, Colorado (about 25 miles from Aspen). I'm so grateful to my friend who suggested the outing! 

In my former home, Atlanta, I went to my share of Arts and Dogwood Festivals which had a similar lineup. Artists and crasftspeople displaying a wide variety of talents. It's such fun to see 

papusaSo what made the Colorado Mountain Fair different? Quite a few things. The food, for one. I tried something new to me – Pupusas which originate from El Salvador. Yum! Remember what I said about loving Diversity? Here's a link to learn more about this yummy treat.  Now I have to figure out how to make it myself. 

I also loved the diversity of people. Different from Atlanta in a lot of ways, yet still quite varied, especially when comparing it to the Arts Festival in Aspen the weekend before. Sometimes you stand in a crowd and just revel at it's myriad of faces and ages and backgrounds. 

I also had a "flashback" to childhood by trying out Betty Hoops updated version of the classic hula-hoop. It was really fun! Before I could get one, I had to make sure my new, tiny place would have room for me. But now that it did – expect another post about it!  

And, of course, one of the most striking differences were the majestic mountains in around us. I'm still in awe. 

And now some music…

The classic – and a beautiful (and unique) cover: 



One Response to Off to Join the Circus (Fair)

  • It was a pleasure meeting you at the fair.  I enjoyed the stimulating conversation and the hula hoops.