The "theme of the day" appears to be energy. It's a subject that keeps popping up all over the place. So, what is energy? How does it work?
Without getting too deep in this post (which I'll reserve for the book I'm working on now), I will say that this theme of "energy" is probably the best New Year's resolution I've seen. Let's break it down…
"Become more aware." That alone is the best advice there is. Become more aware of everything. What you eat, how you spend your time, who you associate with, what gets your attention.
"What is really worth." How do you define what – and who – is "worth" your time and energy? Does the activity elevate you or drain you?
"Your energy." What is "your energy?" I created an activity to monitor your energy level, and it's pretty interesting. Personally, I'm quite aware of how my energy flows as it relates to productivity and creativity. It helps me manage my time and schedule. For me, I am freakishly efficient for the first 4-6 hours of the day. Then I take a "physical break" by doing some kind of physical activity – usually skiing or hiking (or, before moving to Aspen, going to the gym). Then for the rest of my day, I lose my "edge" of self-motivation and the "window of creativity" closes.
But, still, I could benefit by becoming more aware of my actions. Of the things that might not be "worth my energy."
So – here's today's theme song. Enjoy!