365 Days in Aspen

Made You Cry!

transitus picAs a writer and storyteller, one of the greatest feelings in the world is when you really move someone, even more so when you make them cry.  

I remember the first time I did this. I was on the high school Speech Team and performing for a "prose" competition where I delivered the final speech by Gayle Sayers from the TV movie "Brian's Song." The teacher who was judging the event was crying when I finished with "I love Brian Piccolo, and I'd like all of you to love him, too. And tonight, when you hit your knees, please ask God to love him." 


Last night I was asked to speak at an Aspen Writer's Network event and I read a short story I'd written recently. Every time I'd read it to myself, practicing for the event, I cried at the ending. And when I delivered it last night, I made at least one audience member cry, too. 

Here's the story, if you're interested in reading it. I hope you feel moved, too. 


Transitus Part 1 – Justine – for Explore Reading